Monday, 24 February 2014

Film titling and names 24th Feb


I have looked at several films in the genre of Horror/Thriller and how the film industry produce their titling for their movie. The films I have studied are: Se7en, The Shinning, Texas Chainsaw Massacre (TCM) and The Silence of The Lambs. All these films have the same sequence of titles.

  1. Production company
  2. Starring actors/actresses
  3. Casting by...
  4. Music by...
  5. Costumes and make up by...
  6. Editing and director of photography
  7. Produced by...
  8. Directed by...
  9. Title of film
I will use the same order of titles in the opening to my film.

The other main feature I looked at is the colour and font and how they laid out their text. The colours used are red, black and white. Also the editing team on all of the film openings either had BLOCK CAPITALS or thin lower case writing.

These are my ideas of font for titling in my 2 minute opening. The fonts I have chosen are Oriya MN as the san serif and Charlemagne Std as the serif. I did a tally chart of different titles for my film and then asked my target audience- teenage girls- which one they liked the most. My target audience chose "Dark Secret". 

The name of my final film is Dark Secrets

These graphics are classy and emphasise to the viewer what genre of film this is going to be.

Friday, 7 February 2014

2 minute opening update 7th Feb


Today I continued with my editing of my film and have completed this. My film length at the moment is 3 minutes and 45 seconds so I must shorten this so it becomes 2 minutes. I will be looking at openings of different horror/thriller films to look at: colours used, graphic titling and special effects that are used on these titles to make them disappear or move in any way.

After half term I will be starting my sound track to fit with the film and then I will be putting everything together to produce my final product which I will then upload.

Please post COMMENTS!!!!! Thank you!