A few youtube clips here about different genres:
This video is all about how sci-fi is a rapidly changing genre moving from badly made make up and props to green screens and drama that bring the film and genre to life. The main point of sci-fi is that it takes the watcher/audience to another world not seen by anyone. Normally sci-fi starts with everything is normal then suddenly something happens. eg. alien invasion on earth or the death star is made- Star Wars. There is normally goodies and baddies (like western) then after the invasion a huge battle scene takes place and the goodies win.
This film depicts the wild west by the use of cowboys, guns and setting. Western film types are always about goodies and baddies fighting with a helpless maiden being taken or needing to be rescued by the goodies.
Romantic comedy has the same style every film. eg. a girl wants to find love then finds a guy she hates, then a problem happens and the guy saves the day. They both suddenly fall in love with each other and they live happily ever after, the end.
Saving Privet Ryan is a good template for war genres because it is about WW2 and the landing on the Normandy beaches. These films are usually about past events that have happened.
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